Sunday, May 25, 2008

Been Kinda Nostalgic, A Hidden Documentary Review

This story goes back a few nights. It begins one night when I came home, kinda late, and found Phil and a friend of his watching "Consternate". I, of course, had to kick back and watch some of it with them. Like always, it got me thinking about how much fun that time of my life was.

The past two nights, I've had the pleasure of spending my evenings with Zach and Jenny Proctor. And last night, I asked Zach if he missed the times when we used to make films. And he claimed that he did. I told him I had been thinking about it a lot recently.

That brings us to tonight. Around 11pm, I was trying to watch the end of the Celtics game and I ended up falling asleep. When I woke up to the news, I decided it was time to call it a night. Obviously, I worked a little too hard today, and all those hours of playing Wii must have worn me out. I came upstairs, I turned on the DVD player - hit Play on "Cheers" and laid down for the night.

About 20 minutes later the phone rang. A Mister Jason L. Maier was calling to talk while he was driving home. We talked for a good 30 minutes or so, and I found myself wide awake. So, I decided to go downstairs and pop in one of my Netflix films.

Tonight's flick was "Show Business: The Road to Broadway". It was a Documentary that I read about on another blog, so I added it to my Netflix Queue, and since I've been in a documentary mood recently, I moved it up to the top. Jason and I also talked about the flick, while we were on the phone - which is partially what put the idea to watch it into my head. I asked him if he had seen it, and he told me he does own it, and has attempted to watch it once, but was interrupted and has never finished it.

For the most part, I enjoyed the documentary. It covered two shows that I was aware of - thanks to Jason - and two shows that I knew nothing about. I think I would have rather seen some more of the actual behind-the-scenes production than what was included, but overall it covered the shows and their writers/directors/producers pretty well. Sadly, it was NOT anywhere near as good as "No Day But Today: The Story of Rent", but it did have more material to cover, and attempt to tie together for a cohesive storyline. It did do an amazing job of showing the time, love, and determination that goes into producing Broadway productions.

And it reminded me, once again, how much I miss being a part of a large collective group of people, attempting to create a beautiful piece of art...

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