Tuesday, August 08, 2006


I picked up "Brick" on DVD today. I haven't seen the flick - but the preview is AMAZING. I kept waiting and waiting for Landmark to get the film, and it kept getting pushed back and back. Everything I've read was positive, and I think it's my kind of film. Sadly, it looks like it's going to be Saturday before I get the chance to actually watch it.

Also on DVD today is one of the BEST shows currently on Television. "Prison Break" - The Complete First Season came out today. I'm SO EXCITED about it, even though I've got the whole first season on my iPod, I can now watch it on a nice big T.V. Next to "Lost", this is my current favorite show on T.V. I can't wait for Season Two to start, even though the first episode is the week that I'm camping with Zach, Troy and Romberg. I sure hope SOMEONE (FATHER!) records it for me!

Right now, I can highly recommend "Prison Break". By the end of the weekend, I should have a review of "Brick" up.

I'm really looking forward to Saturday. Or even Friday night. Once this "screening" of "Crazy About You" is over, and I no longer have to sit in front of a computer for hours, getting more and more upset about the fact that this all got dumped on me - then perhaps I can calm down and remember that I enjoy life. And maybe I'll stop being so moody around my friends. I can hope...

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